Irma Vep
Written and directed by Olivier Assayas and based on his 1996 film, this series follows Mira, a disillusioned American movie star (Alicia Vikander) who comes to France to star in a remake of the silent film classic "Les Vampires." Set against the backdrop of a crime thriller, Mira struggles as the distinctions between herself and the character she plays begin to blur and merge.
Cast:Alicia Vikander, Vincent Macaigne, Jeanne Balibar, Devon Ross, Lars Eidinger, Vincent Lacoste, Nora Hamzawi, Adria Arjona, Carrie Brownstein, Tom Sturridge, Byron Bowers, Fala Chen, Hippolyte Girardot, Alex Descas, Antoine Reinartz
Added to HBO Max:June 7, 2022