Aloha Surf Hotel

202113+95 min

An ex surf pro is forced to take a job at a beachfront hotel teaching obnoxious tourists how to surf. Soon he's the tennis pro, the yoga instructor, the handyman - he might even be key to saving this family-run, Hawaiian hotel.

Genres:Comedy, Drama, Kids

Director:Stefan C. Schaefer

Cast:Augie Tulba, Taiana Tully, Daniella Monet, Shawn Mokuahi Garnett, Alex Farnham, Lauren Shaw, Danielle Delaunay, Kealani Warner, Cyris Laury-Schaefer, Talei Laury-Schaefer, Branscombe Richmond, Kai Lenny, Matt Corboy


Added to Amazon Prime Video:December 10, 2022

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