Lethal Weapon

1987R110 min7.5/10

It's drugs in southern CA with cop partners Mel Gibson and Danny Glover chasing sleazy dope dealers in a nonstop crime actioner. Roger Murtaugh, who is about to turn 50, exercises the kind of life preserving caution that Martin Riggs has discarded. Riggs' wife has been killed in an accident, and he doesn't care whether he lives or dies, just so long as he can take all the bad guys with him. Murtaugh has a hard time surviving with such a self-destructive partner as they investigate "The General," head of a drug smuggling operation.

Genres:Action, Comedy, Crime

Director:Richard Donner

Cast:Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Mitchell Ryan

Production Country:United States


Added to HBO Max:February 11, 2020

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