2020TV-MA2 Seasons7.0/10
Inspired by the critically acclaimed film "Skate Kitchen," this New York City–set series follows a diverse group of "betties,” young women navigating the male-oriented world of skateboarding. Best friends Kirt (Nina Moran) and Janay (Dede Lovelace) organize an "all-girls skate sesh" on NYC's Lower East Side where they soon form a bond with three other women.
Cast:Nina Moran, Ardelia "Dede" Lovelace, Moonbear, Rachelle Vinberg, Ajani Russell, Raekwon Haynes, Reza Nader, Alexander Cooper, Edmund Donovan, CJ Ortiz, Javier Molina, Caleb Eberhardt, Aya Aldamin, Jack Greer, George Riddle, Katerina Tannenbaum, Karim Abdul Callender, Florence Mourad, Esau Pritchett, Alliah Sophia Mourad, Noa Fisher, Jalyssa "Jules" Lorenzo, Breanna "Brenn" Lorenzo, Eisa Davis, Judah Lang, Chase Sui Wonders, Danielle Melendez, Larry Owens
Production Country:United States
New Season Added:June 12, 2021