
194213+76 min

In the oil rich fields of Oklahoma, oil speculator John Maverick (Arlen), with his friend and partner Chicopee Nevins buy s a large spread of land in the hope that some part of it contains oil. However, Maverick's fly-by-night business practices always leave him on the lookout for new oil land investors. When Nevins is killed in an accident, Nan Deerling (Judge) fraudulantly poses as Nevin's sister to buy out Nevin's half of the business, along with her con artist partner Oliver Westbrook. He has a keen mind for business, and soon Maverick is close to his dream of gaining riches. But Maverick's investment is threatened by villainous fellow oil speculator Mike Rawlins (Crabbe), who is known for torching his competitions' oil rigs.

Genres:Action, Adventure, Drama

Director:Frank McDonald

Cast:Richard Arlen, Buster Crabbe, Arline Judge, William Frawley, Arthur Hunnicutt, Elisha Cook Jr


Added to Amazon Prime Video:May 15, 2021

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