Saving Jaws

201913+59 min

Biologist Ocean Ramsey ("Shark Whisper") credits her connection with sharks to years of research, but others feel it's something more. Join Ocean and a team of biologists as they travel the globe trying to halt their looming extinction.


Director:Keoni Tetawa Bowthorpe

Cast:Ocean Ramsey, Juan Oliphant, Zack Efron, Sunny Wang, Selena Lee, Mike Coots, Clark Little, Dr. Mauricio Hoyos, Dizzy Dizzo, Dr. Michelle Barnes, Randall Arauz, Josh Aukai Ligairi, Pierre-Yves Cousteau, Tracy Izor, Craig Parry, Riley Elliot, Guillaume Nery


Added to Amazon Prime Video:February 11, 2023

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