Paradise Park

199216+102 min

An elderly resident of an Appalachian trailer park wakes one morning with a vision that God will visit the and grant all the residents a wish. The love-hate relationships this memorable group of wonderful characters have with their impoverished existence surfaces, in funny, often bittersweet ways. Does God make it to Paradise Park? For sure, their life will never be the same.

Genres:Arts, Entertainment, and Culture, Drama, Science Fiction

Director:Daniel Boyd

Cast:Larry Groce, Lina Basquette, Webb Wilder, Dusty Rhodes, Porter Wagoner, Jeniphur Gurney, John McIntyre, Michael Meredith, Martha Ellen Senseney, Nathan Clark, Guy Nelson, Gary Brown, Jim Wolfe, Joan Marie Brooks, Isaac Wohl, Demona Kirk, Neale Clark, Danielle Boyd, Lindsey Verbage, Debbie Rainey, John Marshall, Razzy Bailey, T. Graham Brown, Jason Martin


Added to Amazon Prime Video:May 6, 2021

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