
1948PG95 min

Redheaded tomboy teenager Mickey Kelly (Butler) awkwardly begins the process of becoming a woman as she tries to play matchmaker for her widowed father, George (Goodwin). Conniving Lydia Matthews (Hobart) seems to have her claws dug deep into George, but Mickey is working to get her father to fall in love with down-to-earth next-door neighbor Louise Williams (Hervey). Mickey also nurses her first crush on fellow student Hank Evans (Homeier), and sings a few songs. Look for Hattie McDaniel as the Kelly's feisty housekeeper, Bertha. Based on the novel "Clementine," by Peggy Goodin.

Genres:Comedy, Drama

Director:Ralph Murphy

Cast:Lois Butler, Bill Goodwin, Irene Hervey, Rose Hobart, Hattie McDaniel, Skim Homeier


Added to Amazon Prime Video:April 6, 2021

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