Eriko, Pretended

201813+93 min

Eriko returns home to attend her sister's funeral 10 years after she moved to Tokyo to become an actress. She will find out much on her sister's and her own identity, after facing her relatives' skepticism on Eriko's pretend life as a successful actress and her capability to take care of her sister's son. A tactful drama that reminds Yasujiro Ozu's atmospheres.

Genres:Arthouse, Comedy, Drama


Cast:久保陽香, 岡田篤哉, 似鳥美貴, 辰寿広美, 真弓, 齋藤雅弘, 時光陸, 土佐和成, 小西いっこ, 古妻朋瑛, 篠崎雅美, 月亭太遊, 南羽真里, 辻凪子, 澤田由衣, 辻葉子, 渡辺厚人, 小栁圭子, 吐山ゆん, 美村多栄, 岩田徳承


Added to Amazon Prime Video:April 7, 2021

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