Convention Girl

193513+68 min

Rose Hobart plays Babe Laval, a rough-around-the-edges hostess who entertains businessmen from out of town during local conventions. Constantly fending off lecherous men, the tough woman still hopes to find true love someday. Babe begins to fall for Bill Bradley (Heyburn), but rejects him when she finds out he is a professional gambler. But after a bad encounter with a wealthy soap tycoon (Rawlinson), she decides that Bill is not so bad after all, and asks for his forgiveness. Filmed on location in Atlantic City.

Genres:Arts, Entertainment, and Culture, Comedy, Drama

Director:Luther Reed

Cast:Shemp Howard, Rose Hobart, Weldon Heyburn, Herbert Rawlinson, Nell O'Day


Added to Amazon Prime Video:March 30, 2021

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